Is a white tape, hypo-allergic, used to protect the skin and as an under tape in order to stick Endura-Sport on top of it. Particularly used if the tape has to be wear more than just one day. |
Adhesive tape are designed in order to be used for upper and lower limbs: they protect and stabilize joints like foot (ankle), patella, hip, IS joint, lumbar spine, thoracic spine, cervical spine, wrist, elbow and shoulder. |
The tape is particularly strong and capable to sustain joints under heavy load and in order to treat patello femoral pain (anterior knee pain) according to Jenny McConnell Concept. |
In this case, not only anterior knee pain decrease and therefore the patient is able to load more his knee, his lower limb, but apparently there is also an early activation of the VMO (Vastus Medialis Obliqus) which is a muscle which is normally inhibited in those clinical cases. |
Questi prodotti di alta qualità vengono apprezzati e utilizzati sempre maggiormente da Studi di Fisioterapia e da Staff medico-fisioterapico di gruppi e squadre sportive. |
Other uses The tape Endura can also be used not only to stabilize joints, but also for: - realignment of joint (patella, pronated foot, head of humerus, scapula, …)
- unload painful tissue, like Hoffa fat pad or sciatic nerve
- stabilize different joints in the body
Details The size is 10m x 3.75 cm It’s sold in small boxes of 24 rolls. If someone wants to order a bigger quantity, it’s possible to have big boxes which are containing 6 boxes of 24 rolls for a total of 144 rolls.
OrdER NOW TRADURRE: Se necessario, è possibile richiedere un'offerta per tape di dimensioni personalizzate. |